If you are finishing your basement and don’t have lights hooked up yet or even if there is no wiring run yet, you can still set up temporary lighting to see well when working. All you need is an extension cord to a working outlet in another area and a couple of simple inexpensive adapters. You will have a switch you can use to turn on the lights when you enter the area. This works great for any renovations or DIY projects where you need additional lighting. You don’t need to run down your power tool batteries in work lights so you have the batteries for getting work done.
Links to tools & products related to this video (affiliate links):
Switched outlet: https://amzn.to/3ZfhWJ0
Light socket adapter: https://amzn.to/3KpWLhI
Two bulbs one outlet adapter: https://amzn.to/44385Z2
LED 100W bulbs: https://amzn.to/46fGrtK